
Showing posts from April 25, 2012


 After a breakup, make sure to put your heart into intensive care. Give yourself time to heal. Focus on you, focus on good, focus on now. ~Doe Zantamata The Breakup By Doe Zantamata A breakup when all your heart was in it can be as difficult to get through as losing someone by death. For the first short while, just focus on anything good in your life, and take it day by day, or hour by hour if you have to. Find things in your life that you need to focus attention on, and that you really love doing. Creative things where your attention needs to be on them are good. Be with your feelings. Grieving can't be rushed. You're not weak for feeling pain, you're sensitive. Only sensitive people can be compassionate, and really help others, but they also feel pain a lot more strongly. Get detached...write a list of every quality you would want in a partner. Then go back to that list and honestly answer if this relationship gave you those things: 1. in the